Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Trust & Obey = Joy

More than 3 years ago, with no planning and any 'know how',I started meeting with few sisters to study the Word. Simply yield to HS leading. The journey is not easy, at times I felt totally inadequate; who am I to lead these ladies ? did I interpret the Word rightly ? did I model C's likeness ? The battle goes on when most remain & prefer 'drinking milk instead of eating solid'.

Like the psalmist asks " How long, LORD ? Will you forget me forever ? How long will you hide your face from me ?" (Ps 13). I asked, how long LORD should I continues ? what good is it if there is no growth ? But wait, why complain ? I was just like that before......

His Word comforts me, from the same Psalm 13, the key lies in the 'unfailing love' (v5), quote from Marva Dawn's book title ' My soul waits' : Chesedh (Hebrew) translated "unfailing love", the term describes the steadfast, covenant love of the LORD, the amazing grace of His infinite kindness and compassion toward us, His people. The unfailing steadfastness of Chesedh tells for sure that God has not forgotten us, not for a moment; nor will He ever.

What's more do I need than Chesedh ? and the promise will follows (Ps13:5b) ...my heart rejoices in your salvation.

How true it is with the promise, today I REJOICE with Him because there are major breakthrough with the ladies ! yes, the liberation from bondage ! yes, the joy from submission and blessings from obedience ! Praise the LORD ! Last night meeting was full of joy and praises.

The journey continues with many challenges but with 'unfailing love' of His, we are able to walk.

Do you remember times when you felt you couldn't go on ? Then, just the right time, YHWH sent His love & encouragement in some special way. Last night was something very special from Him to my group.

I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me. (Ps 13:6)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Road side store

My most recent breakthrough - dining by the road side in DG (road side of China is very different from HK). Most customers are workers from nearby factories. The store serves very simple menu; spicy noodles with soup or fried noodles or fried rice. The chef is just next to us, yeah, open kitchen - cooking & washing & dining at the same place. But to be fair, the noodles taste good, you just have to NOT ask what's inside. : )

This is the simple life of many factory workers. Besides work, a bowl of noodles or a piece of watermelon in the summer. Life can either be simple but fulfilling or simple & empty. Which one is for them ?

Life will be so empty without the WORD. May our sisters be the light & salt in this city.