Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Special blessed day
Blessing 1
Led my first small group meeting at BT, new faces coming together to share lives. Went really well, everyone is willing to blend in. May we build this a safe group & trust to share.
Received a lovely card from group and a happy lunch.
Blessing 2
Surprise from marketing team, birthday song with guitar and Chinese tradition 'red' egg, not cake ! who can guess this creative idea from my teammates. yeah, the crazy & fun marketing people ! I treasure & enjoy the team spirit with this team.
Blessing 3
First class at BSF. Although more than 100 people on wait list, didn't wait long to have a space. When I was least expected and willing to give & trust on His timing, He pour in more.
Blessing 4
Who want to have dinner at 9:30 pm ? so late ?! But group of friends waited until I finished BSF class and celebrate this special day with me. This really touched my heart, I love them all !
These are blessings I received in just one day, amazing. All these I give praise & thanksgiving to my loving Father. I learn what is to be filled when I continues to pour out. Would I be that pot of oil that never run dry ?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Different type of mid-autumn celebration
After dinner, the girls dance & sing for us, beautiful movements & pleasing praise songs. They were dancing on the street with dim light, Ah Dang moved the truck & had the head light spot on. After one dance, the neighbour joined us, she enjoyed it very much and same with us. How blessed we are !
Family usually get together to celebrate Mid-Autumn festival, it's family reunion celebration. These Lisu girls are far away from home, but God brought us together as His family to celebrate & praise Him. Truly unforgettable experience.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Rhythm of learning
Small group discussion is new to most, but I must said they did well for the first time. A little warm up & encouragement, they were at ease to learn & share openly. Practice and practice.
Every trip I see & hear His beautiful rhythm, high & low, sweet & sour and full of surprises. He is faithful and I love Him more and more each day.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Trust & Obey = Joy
Like the psalmist asks " How long, LORD ? Will you forget me forever ? How long will you hide your face from me ?" (Ps 13). I asked, how long LORD should I continues ? what good is it if there is no growth ? But wait, why complain ? I was just like that before......
His Word comforts me, from the same Psalm 13, the key lies in the 'unfailing love' (v5), quote from Marva Dawn's book title ' My soul waits' : Chesedh (Hebrew) translated "unfailing love", the term describes the steadfast, covenant love of the LORD, the amazing grace of His infinite kindness and compassion toward us, His people. The unfailing steadfastness of Chesedh tells for sure that God has not forgotten us, not for a moment; nor will He ever.
What's more do I need than Chesedh ? and the promise will follows (Ps13:5b) ...my heart rejoices in your salvation.
How true it is with the promise, today I REJOICE with Him because there are major breakthrough with the ladies ! yes, the liberation from bondage ! yes, the joy from submission and blessings from obedience ! Praise the LORD ! Last night meeting was full of joy and praises.
The journey continues with many challenges but with 'unfailing love' of His, we are able to walk.
Do you remember times when you felt you couldn't go on ? Then, just the right time, YHWH sent His love & encouragement in some special way. Last night was something very special from Him to my group.
I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me. (Ps 13:6)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Road side store
My most recent breakthrough - dining by the road side in DG (road side of China is very different from HK). Most customers are workers from nearby factories. The store serves very simple menu; spicy noodles with soup or fried noodles or fried rice. The chef is just next to us, yeah, open kitchen - cooking & washing & dining at the same place. But to be fair, the noodles taste good, you just have to NOT ask what's inside. : )
This is the simple life of many factory workers. Besides work, a bowl of noodles or a piece of watermelon in the summer. Life can either be simple but fulfilling or simple & empty. Which one is for them ?
Life will be so empty without the WORD. May our sisters be the light & salt in this city.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I did it !
Recently learned story telling from an experienced 'field teacher', story of the good news from C2C. Key teaching is we must try & master the story by telling others - best is to non family members. I find it very difficult especially he wants it with full facial expression .....like dramatics. To who then ? Finally I got the chance.
During my recent trip, as I was still asking Father when can I try my story telling skill on Mr. T, Father sent Mrs. T to me instead ! Wahla ! I got the whole 1 hour in the car with her. It was good practise ! I did it ! Father, she is yours now.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
God's Cafe
When I first arrived HK, a sister invited me & from there I made new friends, I learn the Words and I grow. We do many things together, eat, pray, laugh, cry.....in short, we do lives together. But life is busy & changing fast, members come & go, married and moved away, posted to another country, new babies, new faces, busy schedules, different priority.....
We didn't meet for many months and last night was the 're-union' night. WONDERFUL evening !! I really miss the support & sharing. Not another 6 months for next meeting please......
Just yesterday, interviewed group of youth who volunteered to help up at BT booth this coming HK Book Fair. It was fun to see the different behaviour and presentation of these future leaders. Especially encouraged by their eagerness to serve, and took the initiative to enroll.
Really look forward for the training day and walk along side with them. Hoping the relationship does not end after the book fair.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Beautiful song
My weekend with the new comers to the factory, I don't understand a single word (except Jehsu ) but it was beautiful , they sing to Him. Remembering them in prayers.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sabbath please...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
when to say the right thing ?
After more than 6 months engaging his service and after the earthquake disaster, for the first time we talked & touched on lives & spiritual issue. We agreed on some & disagreed on another. I was at awe to see how God engineered the opportunity & conversation, he shared much more than I expected.
He is a Buddhist with little understanding what & who is the truth. From his eyes, every religion is the same.
I was listening patiently & asking Father when is the right time to share His good news. do you ever have that same struggle ? how & when please ?? Naturally I am a good listener not good at speaking. I tried and only managed to share a glimpse of the gospel and was at the end of the journey.
will I have the chance again ? yes, next trip. Continue to ask for strength & wisdom for when & how to share.
Monday, June 9, 2008
His grace
After months of building relationship & trust, the girls are getting easier to share & ask questions openly. It's wonderful to know God's purpose to have me there alone this trip. The dynamic is very different from previous trips. Some struggles were shared & thank God was able to walk through with them.
Praying in a group setting is very foreign to them, they are used to have the 'leader' to pray for all requests. No matter how much I encourage them, the progress was very slow & not well received. They are lovely & faithful believers but personal intimate relationship with God seem a little far....but last night was different.
Picture this : group of girls in a circle, hands around each other shoulder, praying for the struggles each has shared in the night. How much more beautiful than seeing their growth & hearing the beautiful & yet trembling prayers of these sisters ? Yes, everyone of them prayed. My heart was just overflow with joy & tears for God's grace in the midst of their prayers. I hope you share the same, but you will get to experience more if you were there, oppsss..... this is a challenge & invitation, you are welcome to join me next time.
I am no different from anyone of you, very much like to enjoy the long weekend with ease & relax from work. But I also know my presence there, no matter how short the times will bring encouragement to their walk with God. One of the girls said "I want to know God & have quiet time with Him but just can't keep up & get lazy & felt bad " The spirit is willing but the body is weak. This is so true, there are times I struggle - to rest or to visit them but the word "obey & perseverance' push me to run the race marked out for me. Her honest confession reminds me of how God been so faithful & patience with us.